Bio-Clean is the exclusive worldwide distributor of GOLD LINE and the accompanying expertise and equipment. We personally assist our customers with the advice, supply, installation, and service that fits their situation. Hygiene is always custom-made.
We will gladly visit your company to analyze your hygiene challenges and to see how these can be met in an effective, sustainable fashion.
Alwyn Havard
Havard Associates International
Agric & Bio Sciences
WR12 7DY, UK.
Tel: +44 1386 858 839
Mob: +447759 582 084
Bio-Clean B.V.
Meander 251
6825 MC Arnhem
The Netherlands
+31(0)26 - 840 55 10
Your contact:
Han Maathuis
(06) - 288 88 915
Your contact:
Alwyn Havard
+44-7759 582084